Do you find it easy to put weight on and hard to lose it?

Do you give up on a diet if you don’t lose weight immediately?

Do you diet, lose weight, go back to your old eating habits and put it back on?

Did you know that 95% of diets fail in helping people lose weight long term?
No wonder so many people get demotivated!

Empty plate blog post image

The root source of your problem lies within your mind – in the limiting beliefs, negative emotions, habits and behaviours you have built up and become familiar with over the years. That’s why it feels impossible to lose weight at times unless you alter your mindset, for example: – in the way you view food and exercise; the dread of going to the gym; the enjoyment you get from food; the tendency to crave the wrong foods or see them as a reward; feeling guilty about wasting food when there are starving children in Africa (one drummed into me); or the habit of snacking in between meals to stabilise sugar levels.

If you think you can’t be slim, fit or healthy, you will continue to self sabotage and fail. These are the top 6 reasons/excuses why people can’t do it, but I hear
hundreds, as people build different ones over time!

1. I have no willpower
2. I’m lazy
3. I don’t have time
4. This is the way I’ve always been
5. I just love food too much
6. I hate exercise

Do any of these statements ring true with you? Or what other ones do you think you have stored inside your unconscious mind?

The best recipe for success for someone to lose weight and keep it off, is to address both the mind and the body.

Think positive

As you know, I’ve always been an advocate in the power of positive thinking and belief. The latest science seems to be agreeing that our thoughts, actions and moods may play an even bigger role in our health and general wellness than previously believed. Check out on my past blog on the placebo effect.

So it may not surprise you that a positive focus/belief and weight loss success are integral to one another. Positive focus plays a significant role in our weight loss efforts – It’s impossible to lose weight when we focus on the things we don’t want such as not being happy or not being fat. Why?
In addition to the obvious that negative thoughts lead us to succumb to our cravings, overeat and skip out on our daily dose of exercise, by putting a NOT in front of a negative doesn’t give our minds a positive focus or goal.
For example, if I said “Don’t think about how unhappy you feel”, I can guarantee your unconscious mind will give you every reason and remember every negative event to prove why you feel unhappy.

It’s a bit like telling yourself “not to do anything that will make you fat” – the unconscious mind is unable to hear the “NOT” and “does everything it can to to make you fat”. So be careful of your focus and the language you use.
Whereas positive thoughts, can increase our motivation and energy levels, propelling us toward our weight loss goals, by focusing us on what we need to do rather than what we shouldn’t, mustn’t, can’t do or think.

A negative attitude and focus can therefore make losing weight difficult, if not impossible. Beating ourselves up every time we eat that chocolate bar, obsessing about what we can’t eat and dreading exercise – these are all ways that negative thought patterns can sabotage our weight loss goals.

​This heads to a downward spiral – having a negative image of ourselves leads to feeling powerless, depressed or unmotivated, making it more likely we’ll skip our daily workout or eat a bag of potato chips to feel better – a vicious circle!

Acknowledging those feelings and unhelpful beliefs and transforming those thoughts into something more positive can actually help us reach our goals. Positive thoughts are empowering.
A significant element missing from all successful weight loss program is using the power of the mind. Incorporating mind power is crucial as one of the best ways to lose weight. You will then be more likely to keep weight off, rather than going through the vicious cycle of yo-yo dieting, or continual fluctuations in weight.

Do you lack enthusiasm?

Almost every person who wants to lose weight suffers from this at some point – But challenge your mind to think positively because remember – what you think about you bring about…Get your mind right, and achieve your weight loss goals more easily and more effectively!

To find out more, why not get in touch for a free 15 minute consultation

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Appointment requests are subject to availability.  Please let me know your preferred date and time and I will be in touch.


Nicky Anstey

Mind Body Wellness

Hypnotherapy with NLP Therapy that fixes the cause not just the symptoms.