As smartphone and social networking technology has taken over the world, psychology researchers have discussed the mental health consequences of being addicted to your smartphone.

Smartphone addiction image

A study among teenage TikTok users found that those who showed addictive tendencies toward the platform performed worse when asked to recall number sequences. The findings, published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, further suggested that this weakened working memory was in part due to increased levels of depression and anxiety.

When we talk about addiction, most automatically think of alcohol, drugs, and gambling, however addiction can take many forms. We all use our smartphones daily, but when does this start becoming a problem and affecting our mental health?

The first step in battling an addiction is to admit there is a problem. Only then can you move forward and start feeling good about yourself and your health. Talk to your doctor, a therapist, or a councilor to start on your route to a healthier and happier version of yourself.

As a Psychotherapist, Master NLP practitioner and Hypnotherapist, I believe that to successfully overcome an addiction, you’ll need to program the brain in a different way and improve how you perceive yourself. This is where neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), Time Line Therapy, CBT and Hypnotherapy can help.

These interventions use a variety of techniques to make positive changes to your conscious and unconscious mind to make good decision making and life easier. If your addiction has connections to negative thoughts and beliefs in your past, they can help you remove those limiting beliefs and negative emotions and instil new positive pathways, strategies, and beliefs.

If cravings for your addiction are out of control, these techniques tackle the root of the problem and install positive triggers for you to use each time a craving occurs.

Should other factors be the cause of your addiction, such as means of escape from stress or anxiety or an unfulfilled life, or deep-rooted pathway that supports your habit, then NLP, Time Line Therapy and Therapeutic Hypnotherapy, can help remove the limiting beliefs and negative emotions keeping you stuck. This will help you set goals that drive you forward to get what you want, rather than focusing on what you don’t want, leading to positive outcomes.

These techniques, plus your willingness and motivation to overcome your problem, can prove a powerful way of challenging and overcoming an addiction.

If you would like to find out more, please don’t hesitate to contact me for a no obligation chat.

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Nicky Anstey

Mind Body Wellness

Hypnotherapy with NLP Therapy that fixes the cause not just the symptoms.